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Reunión de grupo

About us …

QLS was born in 2018 with a holistic vision of the Consultant, Auditor, Trainer and Process Outsourcing market; recognizing organizations as human, effective organisms, with an eco-environmental impact and a management process. Much of our differentiating process focuses on a comprehensive, structured and proven work methodology; that will make the process agile, effective, practical and focused on the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, ratifying the principles, values ​​and identity of your organization.


We are experts in management systems with technical knowledge of more than 20 years, highly competent, reliable, that adapt to the needs of your company. We strive to connect with the people on your team.


Its co-founders are: Cesar E. Forigua, Chemical Engineer, specialized in quality process management, leading expert and auditor in management systems with 15 years of expertise. Paula Robayo, Food Engineer with experience in consulting and certification of management systems and a leading Quality and Safety Auditor with 20 years of expertise.

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